Pre-Prep Fees

Where 'I wish' BECOMES 'I DO'

Term-time fees for Reception to Year 2 during the 2024/25 academic year.

Year Group

Fee Per Term

Monthly Equivalent




Year 1



Year 2




Wrap around care for all pupils from 8:00am until  5:30pm

Wrap around care is free of charge from 8:00am until 4:45pm. There is an additional fee of £10.60 for Tea Time Club. This includes the opportunity for your child to stay after lessons finish at 3:30pm and take part in a wide range of clubs and activities until 5:30pm. A light tea is also provided as part of the Tea Time Club session. Please note that all wrap around care must be pre-booked in advance.

Registration Fee & Deposit

A non-returnable registration fee payment of £50 is due when a pupil’s name is entered to the School. An acceptance deposit of £200 is then required for all pupils.

The repayment of deposits is linked to the settlement of final fee invoices upon the departure of the pupil from Dean Close Airthrie. Parents are welcome to gift the deposit to the School when a pupil leaves.

Extra Tuition

Private tuition for Special Educational Needs and subjects not offered within the curriculum may be provided, and will generally be charged at a termly rate of between £595 and £990.

Reduction for Brothers and Sisters

A reduction of the net school fee (referred to in the table above) is currently offered to parents who have two children or more at the School. The reductions, which are applied to the elder children, are 5% for the second child, 10% for the third child and any subsequent children whilst they all simultaneously attend the School. When the elder child leaves the discount ceases of adjusts down as appropriate.

Childcare Vouchers & Tax Free Childcare

The School accepts payment against qualifying fees by childcare vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare.

Notice of Withdrawal of a Pupil or Change of Status

In accordance with the School’s terms and conditions, a full term’s notice must be given in writing if you wish to withdraw your child from the School. Failing such notice, a full term’s fees will be charged.

Additional Costs

Pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch to school or if you would like your child to receive a cooked school lunch, this is charged at £285 per Term. Children enjoy weekly swimming lessons throughout the year and the charge for this is £98.00 per Term.